News roundup – 10 October 2012

About the author(s):

Rogier is a researcher at the Netherlands Defence Academy (NLDA) and works at the Dutch National Prosecutor’s Office. He holds LL.M-degrees from Utrecht University and the University of Nottingham. Before taking up his current positions, he was an associate legal officer in Chambers at the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia, and a legal adviser at the International Humanitarian Law Division of the Netherlands Red Cross.

Rogier is an adjunct-lecturer at the Hague University of Applied Sciences, where he teaches international humanitarian law, and he co-convenes the Hague Initiative for Law and Armed Conflict.

Op-Ed: Colombia’s Rebels and Land Reform

UN Security Council hails work by Sierra Leone court to strengthen women’s access to justice (UN SC statement here)

France proposes UN resolution backing international force to help oust rebels in Mali’s north

ICRC: invisible wounds and local paths to recovery former child soldiers DRC

Libyan army blockades Islamist militia suspected of killing US ambassador

Pakistan Taliban causes revulsion by shooting girl who spoke out , but see also – luckely – Pakistan bullet surgery ‘successful’

Human Rights Watch: Separatists Thailand Target Teachers in Renewed Violence. A recent academic article (forthcoming in the Journal of Conflict and Security Law) deals with the situation in Southern Thailand. It argues that, although the Thai government views the situation as one of mere banditry and organised crime, the fight between the separatist Malay Muslims and the Thai government surpasses the threshold of non-international armed conflict and should be qualified accordingly. It is (for now) accessible for free via the advanced access:  Benjamin Zawacki, Politically Inconvenient, Legally Correct: A Non-international Armed Conflict in Southern Thailand, JCSL

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