About the author(s):
Katharine Fortin is an Associate Professor at Utrecht University where she teaches IHL and IHRL. Before joining Utrecht University, she worked at the ICTY, ICC and Norton Rose Fulbright. She is the author of The Accountability of Armed Groups under Human Rights Law (Oxford University Press, 2017) which won the 2018 Lieber Prize. She has written widely about the framework of law that applies to armed groups in non-international armed conflicts and is one of the editors of the Armed Groups and International Law blog.
Every couple of months, Rogier and I compile articles, book chapters, books and blog discussions which we think might be interesting for people doing research on issues relating to armed groups or non-international armed conflict more generally.
The selection for December 2012 and January/ February 2013 is found below. We have grouped the articles into categories for convenience, but please be aware that the grouping is ultimately quite arbitrary as many articles fit into more than one category.
Bayir, Deyra, ‘Representation of the Kurds by the Turkish judiciary’, Human Rights Quarterly, Vol 35, No. 1, Feb 2013, p116-142
Boothby, William, ‘Differences in the Law of Weaponry when Applied to Non-International Armed Conflicts’, International Law Studies, Vol 88, 2012, pp198-210
Eden, Paul, ‘Palestinian Statehood: Trapped between Rhetoric and Real Politik’, International and Comparative Law Quarterly, Vol 62, Issue 1, January 2013, pp225-239
Ferrer, Raymundo, B. Ferrer and Cabangbang, Randolph G. ‘Non-International Armed Conflicts in the Philippines’. International Law Studies, Vol 88, 2012, pp264-278
McLaughlin, Rob, ‘An Australian Perspective on Non-International Armed Conflicts: Afghanistan and East Timor’, International Law Studies, Vol 88, 2012, pp294-319
Mujezinovi? Larsen, Kjetil,Camilla Guldahl Cooper, and Gro Nystuen (eds), Searching for a ‘Principle of Humanity’ in International Humanitarian Law (Cambridge University Press, 2012)
with, e.g., the following chapters:
The principle of proportionality (Yoram Dinstein)
The Geneva Conventions and the dichotomy between international and non-international armed conflict: curse or blessing for the ‘principle of humanity’? (Cecilie Hellestveit)
Security detention in UN peace operations (Peter Vedel Kessing)
Ohlin, Jens David, ‘Is Jus in Bello in Crisis?’, Journal of International Criminal Justice, 2013, Vol 11(1), pp27-45
Shirkey, Zachary C., Joining the fray: outside military intervention in civil wars (Ashgate, 2012)
Watkin, Kenneth, ‘Small Wars: The Legal Challenges’, International Law Studies, Vol 88, 2012, pp3-12
Worrall, James, ‘Reading Booth in Beirut: Is Hizbollah and Emancipatory Actor?’, Studies in Conflict and Terrorism, Vol 36, Issue 3, 2013, p235-254
Jus ad bellum (vs jus in bello)
Bethlehem, Daniel, ‘Self-Defense Against an Imminent or Actual Armed Attack by Nonstate Actors’, 106:4 (2012) American Journal of International Law, pp 770-777
Corn, Geoffrey, S. ‘Self-Defence Targeting: Blurring the Line between the Jus ad Bellum and the Jus in Bello’, International Law Studies, Vol 88, 2012, pp57-92
Corten, Olivier and Vaios Koutroulis, ‘The Illegality of Military Support to Rebels in the Libyan War: Aspects of jus contra bellum and jus in bello’, Journal Conflict Security Law (advanced access)
Garraway, Charles, ‘War and Peace: Where is the Divide?’, International Law Studies, Vol 88, 2012, pp93-115
Garraway, Charles, ‘Comments on Illegal War and Illegal Conduct: are the two related?’, 59:3 (2012) Netherlands International Law Review, pp 473-492
Drones and other transnational military operations
Druck, Judith A., ‘Droning on: the War Powers Resolution and the Numbing Effect of Technology-Driven Warfare’, 98:1 (2012) Cornell Law Review, pp 209-237.
Lubell, Noam and Dereijko, Nathan, ‘A Global Battlefield: Drones and the Geographical Scope of Armed Conflict’, Journal of International Criminal Justice, 2013, Vol 11(1), p65-88
May, Larry, ‘Targeted Killings and Proportionality in Law’, Journal of International Criminal Justice, 2013, Vol 11(1), 47-63
Targeting and Detention
Dörmann, Knut, ‘Detention in Non-International Armed Conflicts’, International Law Studies, Vol 88, 2012, pp348-366
Goodman, Ryan, ‘The Power to Capture or Kill Enemy Combatants’, European Journal of International Law, Vol 24, 2013, (forthcoming, see SSRN version here)
Heintschel van Heinegg, Wolff, ‘Means and Methods of Naval Warfare in Non-International Armed Conflicts’, International Law Studies, Vol 88, 2012, pp212-236
Jackson, Richard, B. ‘Perfidy in Non-International Armed Conflicts’, International Law Studies’, International Law Studies, Vol 88, 2012, pp238-259
Lietzau, William, K. ‘Detention of Terrorists in the Twenty-First Century’, International Law Studies, Vol 88, 2012, pp324-345
Madden, Mike, ‘Of Wolves and Sheep, A Purposive Analysis of Perfidy Prohibitions in International Law’, Journal of Conflict and Security Law, Winter 2012, 17(3), pp439-463
Jens David Ohlin, ‘Targeting and the Concept of Intent’, Cornell Legal Studies Research Paper (SSRN)
Pomper, Stephen, ‘Towards a Limited Consensus on the Loss of Civilian Immunity in Non-International Armed Conflict: Making Progress through Practice’, International Law Studies, Vol 88, 2012, pp182-193
Schmitt, Michael, N. ‘Status of Opposition Fighters in a Non-International Armed Conflict’, International Law Studies, Vol 88, 2012, pp120-144
Watts, Sean, ‘Present and Future Conceptions of the Status of Government Forces in Non-International Armed Conflict’, International Law Studies, Vol 88, 2012, pp145-180
Counter Insurgency
Banks, William, Counterinsurgency Law: New Directions in Asymmetric Warfare (Oxford University Press, 2013)
with, e.g., the following chapters:
Reunifying the Law of Armed Conflict in COIN Operations through a Sovereign Agency Theory (Eric Talbot Jensen)
Two Sides of the Combatant Coin: Untangling Direct Participation from Belligerent Status in Non-international Armed Conflicts (Geoffrey S. Corn)
Agency of Risk: The Competing Balance between Protecting Military Forces and the Civilian Population During Counterinsurgency Operations in Afghanistan (Christopher Jenks)
Sitaraman, Ganesh, The Counterinsurgent’s Constitution: Law in the Age of Small Wars (Oxford University Press, 2012)
Classification of Armed Conflict and Applicable Law
Benvenisti, Eyal, and Amichai Cohen, ‘War is Governance: Explaining the Logic of the Laws of War from a Principal-Agent Perspective’ (forthcoming) SSRN
Cerone, John, ‘International Enforcement in Non-International Armed Conflicts: Searching for Synergy among Legal Regimes in the Case of Libya’, International Law Studies, Vol 88, 2012, pp369-395
Clapham, Andrew, ‘Weapons and Armed Non-State Actors’, (forthcoming) SSRN
Gomez, Juan-Carlos, ‘Twenty-First Century Challenges: The Use of Military Force to Combat Criminal Threats’, International Law Studies, Vol 88, 2012, pp280-291
Graham, David, E. ‘Defining Non-International Armed Conflict: A Historically Difficult Task’, International Law Studies, Vol 88, 2012, pp43-55
Murphy, John, F. ‘Will-o’-the-Wisp? The Search for Law in Non-International Armed Conflicts’, International Law Studies, Vol 88, 2012, pp15-39
Human Rights
D’Aspremont, Jean, and Elodie Tranchez, ‘The Quest for a Non-Conflictual Coexistence of International Human Rights Law and Humanitarian Law: Which Role for the Lex Specialis Principle?’, Research Handbook on Human Rights and Humanitarian Law, Robert Kolb and Gloria Gaggioli, eds., Edwar Elgar, 2013 (forthcoming) SSRN
Da Costa, Karen, The extraterritorial application of selected human rights treaties, (Leiden: Martinus Nijhoff, 2012)
International Criminal Law and Transitional Justice
Michael Newton (ed.), Terrorism: International Case Law Reporter 2011 (Oxford University Press, 2013)
Sivakumaran, Sandesh, ‘Command Responsibility in Irregular Groups’, Journal of International Criminal Justice, Vol 10(5), 2012, pp1129-1150
Ratner, Steven R., ‘Accountability and the Sri Lankan Civil War’, 106:4 (2012) American Journal of International Law, pp 795-808
Steinberg, Gerald M., Anne Herzberg and Jordan Berman Best Practices for Human Rights and Humanitarian NGO Fact-Finding (Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, 2012)
Podcast of a debate on the application of the law of armed conflict to drugs related violence with Marco Sassoli, Noam Lubell and Gabor Rona (held 11 February 2013 at Columbia University).
Posts on the “Copenhagen Process Principles and Guidelines on the Handling of
Detainees in International Military Operations”: Bruce “Ossie” Oswald and Thomas Winkler; and John Bellinger.
Posts on the US Department of Justice White Paper on the “Lawfulness of a lethal operation directed against a U.S. cistizen who is a senior operational leader of Al-Qa’ida or an associated force” at Opinio Juris (here and here), EJILTalk (here and here), Lawfare (here), and ASIL Insights (here).
For previous Armed Groups and International Law legal roundups see here and here.