Legal Roundup March-June 2013

About the author(s):

Rogier is a researcher at the Netherlands Defence Academy (NLDA) and works at the Dutch National Prosecutor’s Office. He holds LL.M-degrees from Utrecht University and the University of Nottingham. Before taking up his current positions, he was an associate legal officer in Chambers at the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia, and a legal adviser at the International Humanitarian Law Division of the Netherlands Red Cross.

Rogier is an adjunct-lecturer at the Hague University of Applied Sciences, where he teaches international humanitarian law, and he co-convenes the Hague Initiative for Law and Armed Conflict.

Every few months, Katharine and I compile articles, book chapters, books and blog discussions which we think might be interesting for people doing research on issues relating to armed groups or non-international armed conflict more generally.

The previous selections can be found below. We have grouped the articles into categories for convenience, but please be aware that the grouping is ultimately quite arbitrary as many articles fit into more than one category.



Becker Lorca, Arnulf, “Rules for the ‘Global War on Terror’: Implying consent and presuming conditions for intervention”, 45(2012) NYU Journal of International Law and politics, pp 1-95

Cameron, Lindsay, and Vincent Chetail, Privatizing war: private military and security companies under public international law (Cambridge University Press, 2013)

Corn, Geoffrey and Tanweer Kaleemullah, “The Military Response to Criminal Violent Extremist Groups: Aligning Use of Force Presumptions with Threat Reality” (SSRN)

Corten, Olivier and Koutroulis, Vaios, “The Illegality of Military Support to the Rebels in the Libyan War: aspects of jus contra bellum and jus in bello”, 18(1)(2013) Journal of Conflict and Security Law, pp59-93

Koutroulis, Vaios, “And Yet It Exists: In Defence of the ‘Equality of Belligerents’ Principle”, 26(2013) Leiden Journal of International Law, pp 449-472.

Luban, David, “Military Necessity and the Cultures of Military Law”, 26(2013) Leiden Journal of International Law, pp 315-349

Margulies, Peter, “Valor’s vices : against a state duty to risk forces in armed conflict”, in: Counterinsurgence law: new directions in asymmetric warfare (Oxford University Press, 2013) pp 87-107

May, Larry, A Hobbesian Approach to Cruelty and the Rules of War 26(2)(2013) Leiden Journal of International Law, pp293-313

Shah, Niaz A., The Taliban Layeha for Mujahidin and the Law of Armed Conflict, 3(2013) Journal of International Legal Studies, pp 192-229


Drones and Other Transnational Military Operations

Blank, Laurie R., “Extending Positive Identification from Persons to Places: Terrorism, Armed Conflict and the Identification of Military Objectives” (SSRN, forthcoming in Utah Law Review)

Grut, Chantal, The Challenge of Autonomous Lethal Robotics to International Humanitarian Law, 18(1) (2013) Journal of Conflict and Security Law, pp5-23

Lewis, Michael W., “Drones and transnational armed conflicts”, 3(2103) St. John’s Journal of International and Comparative Law, pp 1-18

Lubell, Noam, ‘Drones, Battlefields and Asking the Right Questions’, EJIL: Talk!, 28 February 2013

Sterio, Milena, The United States’ Use of Drones in the War on Terror: The (Il)legality of Targeted Killings Under International Law, 45(1&2)(2012) Case Western Reserve Journal of International Law, pp197-214

Targeting and Detention

Bachmann, Sascha-Dominik, “Targeted Killings: Contemporary Challenges, Risks and Opportunities”, Journal of Conflict and Security Law (advance access)

The Capture or Kill Debate: see series of posts on the Lawfare blog in response to article by Goodman, Ryan, 24 (2013) The Power to Kill or Capture Enemy Combatants, European Journal of International Law, forthcoming.

Corn, Geoffrey S., Blank, Laurie, R., Jenks, Chris and Jensen, Eric Talbot, Belligerent Targeting and the Invalidity of a Least Harmful Means Rule, 89 (2013) International Law Studies, pp536-625

Vallentgoed, Darren, The Last Round? A Post-Gotovina Reassessment of the Legality of Using Artillery against Built-up Areas, 18(1) (2013) Journal of Conflict and Security Law, pp25-57

Van Amstel, Nelleke, In Search of Legal Grounds to Detain for Armed Groups, 3(2013) Journal of International Legal Studies, pp 160-191

Vedel Kessing, Peter, “Security detention in UN peace operations”, in Searching for a “Principle of Humanity” in International Humanitarian Law (Cambridge University Press, 2013), pp 272-303.

Classification of Armed Conflicts and Applicable Law

ICRC led discussion on typology of armed conflicts and related issues on Intercross (see here for a summary and links)

Zawacki, Benjamin, Politically Inconvenient, Legally Correct: A Non-International Armed Conflict in Southern Thailand, 18(1)(2013) Journal of Conflict and Security Law, pp151-179


Human Rights

Conte, Alex, “Human Rights Beyond Borders: A New Era in Human Rights Accountability for Transnational Counter-Terrorism Operations?”, Journal of Conflict and Security Law (advance access)

D’Aspremont, Jean, “Articulating international human rights and international humanitarian law: conciliatory interpretation under the guise of conflict of norms-resolution”, in The Interpretation and Application of the European Convention of Human Rights: Legal and Practical Implications (Leiden, Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, 2013), pp 3-31


International Criminal Law and Transitional Justice

Begley, Tracey B.C., “The extraterritorial obligation to prevent the use of child soldiers, “27(2012) The American University International Law Review, pp 613-641

Decoeur, Henri, “Avoiding strict liability in mixed conflicts : a subjectivist approach to the contextual element of war crimes”, 13(2013) International Criminal Law Review, pp 473-492

Milanovic, Marko, The Limits of Aiding and Abetting Liability: The ICTY Appeals Chamber Acquits Momcilo Perisic, EJIL:Talk!, 11 March 2013

Rodman, Kenneth and Booth, Petie,  Manipulated Commitments: the ICC in Uganda, 35(2)(2013), Human Rights Quarterly, p271-303

Lafayette, Erin, “The prosecution of child soldiers: balancing accountability with justice”, 63(2013) Syracuse law review, pp 297-325.

Sinha, G. Alex, “Child soldiers as super-privileged combatants”, 17(2013) The International Journal of Human Rights, pp 584-603

Stewart, James, G. Part I: Guest Post: The ICTY loses its way on Complicity, Opinio Juris, 3 April 2013

Stewart, James, G. Part II: Guest Post: The ICTY loses its way on Complicity, Opinio Juris,

Wagner, Natalie, “A Critical Assessment of Using Children to Participate Actively in Hostilities in Lubanga Child Soldiers and Direct Participation”, 24(2013) Criminal Law Forum, pp 145-203


Brown, Graham K. and Arnim Langer (eds), Elgar handbook of civil war and fragile states, (Cheltenham: E. Elgar Publishing, 2012)

Coco, Antonio, The Mark of Cain: The Crime of Terrorism in Times of Armed Conflict as Interpreted by the Court of Appeal of England and Wales in R v. Mohammed Gul 11(2) (2013) Journal of International Criminal Justice, pp425-440

Cunningham, Dan, Everton, Sean, Wilson, Greg, Padilla, Carlos, Zimmerman, Doug, “Brokers and Key Players in the Internationalization of the FARC”, 36(6)(2013) Studies in Conflict and Terrorism, pp477-502

Muleefu, Alphonse, ‘Beyond the Single Story: Rwanda’s Support to the March 23 Movement (M23)’, 5(1) (2013) Amsterdam Law Forum

Peters, Joel and David Newman (eds), The Routledge handbook on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict (London, Routledge, 2013).

Day, Stephen W., Regionalism and rebellion in Yemen: a troubled national union (Cambridge University Press, 2012).

Ugarizza, Juan E. and Craig, Matthew J., The Relevance of Ideology to Contemporary Armed Conflicts: A Quantitative Analysis of Former Combatants in Colombia, 57(3)(2013) Journal of Conflict Resolution, pp445-477

For previous Armed Groups and International Law legal roundups see here (September 2012), here (November 2012) and here (February 2013).

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