News Roundup – 27 January 2014

About the author(s):

Rogier is a researcher at the Netherlands Defence Academy (NLDA) and works at the Dutch National Prosecutor’s Office. He holds LL.M-degrees from Utrecht University and the University of Nottingham. Before taking up his current positions, he was an associate legal officer in Chambers at the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia, and a legal adviser at the International Humanitarian Law Division of the Netherlands Red Cross.

Rogier is an adjunct-lecturer at the Hague University of Applied Sciences, where he teaches international humanitarian law, and he co-convenes the Hague Initiative for Law and Armed Conflict.

French army kills 11 militants in Mali

Tripoli: 23 killed, 25 wounded as Libyan army clashes with armed groups

Somali rebel commander killed by suspected drone attack, militants blame U.S.

U.N. documents new war crimes in Syria for future prosecution

Al Qaeda Calls for Rebel Unity in Syria

Iraqi planes and artillery strike rebel-held Falluja

Colombia’s FARC condemns (own) rebel attack killing civilian

Multiple ceasefire and/or peace agreements have been concluded these past days:

South Sudan rivals sign ceasefire agreement, but  South Sudan rebels claim fighting continues, army denies

Myanmar armed groups agree to sign ceasefire pact

The Government of the Philippines and the Moro Islamic Liberation Front agree on final elements of peace agreement

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