News Roundup – 11 February 2014

About the author(s):

Rogier is a researcher at the Netherlands Defence Academy (NLDA) and works at the Dutch National Prosecutor’s Office. He holds LL.M-degrees from Utrecht University and the University of Nottingham. Before taking up his current positions, he was an associate legal officer in Chambers at the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia, and a legal adviser at the International Humanitarian Law Division of the Netherlands Red Cross.

Rogier is an adjunct-lecturer at the Hague University of Applied Sciences, where he teaches international humanitarian law, and he co-convenes the Hague Initiative for Law and Armed Conflict.

Vehicle in Mali disappears in with ICRC personnel on board

Serbian ex-paramilitaries of ‘Jackal group’ found guilty of Kosovo killings

ICTR Appeals Chambers delivers appeals judgement in Military II case, reversing the convictions of Ndindiliyimana and Nzuwonemeye (based on superior responsibility) in their entirety and reducing the sentence of Sagahutu by 5 years (see here for the summary of the judgement)

South Sudan conflict: New peace talks begin

A rush to evacuate as truce extended in Syria city

As Second Round of Syrian Talks Begins, U.N.’s Mediator Steps Cautiously

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