Legal Roundup – August 2014

About the author(s):

Rogier is a researcher at the Netherlands Defence Academy (NLDA) and works at the Dutch National Prosecutor’s Office. He holds LL.M-degrees from Utrecht University and the University of Nottingham. Before taking up his current positions, he was an associate legal officer in Chambers at the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia, and a legal adviser at the International Humanitarian Law Division of the Netherlands Red Cross.

Rogier is an adjunct-lecturer at the Hague University of Applied Sciences, where he teaches international humanitarian law, and he co-convenes the Hague Initiative for Law and Armed Conflict.

Every few months, Katharine and I compile articles, book chapters, books and blog discussions which we think might be interesting for people conducting research on issues relating to armed groups or non-international armed conflict more generally. We have grouped the articles into categories for convenience, but please be aware that many publications fit into more than one category.

Our thanks go to Irene Gasparini for her assistance in compiling this edition of the Legal Roundup.



Clapham, Andrew and Paola Gaeta, The Oxford handbook of international law in armed conflict (Oxford University Press 2014)

Fleck, Dieter, The Handbook of International Humanitarian Law (paperback), (Oxford University Press, 3rd edition 2014) (due out on 28 August 2014)


Conflict classification/Non-International Armed Conflict

David, Eric and Ola Engdahl, How does the involvement of a multinational peacekeeping force affect the classification of a situation?, International Review of the Red Cross (first view article)

Hlavkova, Monika, Reconstructing the Civilian/Combatant Divide: A Fresh Look at Targeting in Non-international Armed Conflict, J Conflict Security Law, Vol. 19 (2), 2014 p. 251.

Kretzmer, David, Aviad Ben-Yehuda and Meirav Furth, ‘Thou Shall Not Kill’: The Use of Lethal Force in Non-International Armed Conflicts, Israel Law Review, 47, (2014), pp. 191-224.

Petrov, Anton O., Non-State Actors and Law of Armed Conflict Revisited: Enforcing International Law through Domestic Engagement, J Conflict Security Law, Vol. 19, 2014, p. 279.

Sánchez, Andrea Nill, Mexico’s Drug “War”: Drawing a Line Between Rhetoric and Reality, Yale Journal of International Law, Volume 38 (2013), pp 467-509

Ohlin, Jens David, The Combatant’s Privilege in Asymmetric & Covert Conflicts, July 29, 2014, Available on SSRN.

Ohlin, Jens David, Acting as a Sovereign Versus Acting as a Belligerent, in , Jens David Ohlin (ed.), Theoretical Boundaries of Armed Conflict and Human Rights (forthcoming), available on SSRN.

Ohlin, Jens David, The Right to Exist and the Right to Resist, May 2014, Available on SSRN.

Ruys, Tom, Of Arms, Funding and “Non-lethal Assistance”—Issues Surrounding Third-State Intervention in the Syrian Civil War, Chinese Journal of International Law, (2014), Vol. 13, p. 13.

Schmitt, Michael N., Charting the Legal Geography of Non-International Armed Conflict, International Law Studies Series. US Naval War College, 90, 2014, p.1


Drones and other transnational military operations

 Apuuli, Kasaija Phillip. The Use of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (Drones) in United Nations Peacekeeping: The Case of the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), ASIL, Volume 18, Issue 13, 2014.

Henriksen, Anders, Jus ad bellum and American Targeted Use of Force to Fight Terrorism Around the World, J Conflict Security Law, Vol. 19 (2), 2014, p. 211.

Rosén, Frederik, Extremely Stealthy and Incredibly Close: Drones, Control and Legal Responsibility, J Conflict Security Law, Vol. 19 (1), 2014, p. 113

Schmitt, Michael N., Extraterritorial Lethal Targeting: Deconstructing the Logic of International Law, Columbia Journal of Transnational Law, Volume 52(1), p. 77. 


Targeting and detention

Blank, Laurie R., Targeted Killing, in Ashgate Research Companion to Military Ethics, (forthcoming), Available on SSRN.

Corn, Geoffrey S. and Tanweer Kaleemullah, The Military Response to Criminal Violent Extremist Groups: Aligning Use of Force Presumptions with Threat Reality, Israel Law Review, 47, 2014, pp 253-283.

Crawford, Emily, Terrorism and Targeted Killings in International Law, Ben Saul (ed.), Research Handbook on International Law and Terrorism, (forthcoming), Available on SSRN.

Henriksen, Anders, Jus ad bellum and American Targeted Use of Force to Fight Terrorism Around the World, J Conflict Security Law, Vol. 19 (2), 2014, p. 211.

Kretzmer, David, Aviad Ben-Yehuda and Meirav Furth, ‘Thou Shall Not Kill’: The Use of Lethal Force in Non-International Armed Conflicts, Israel Law Review, 47, (2014), pp 191-224.

Prorok, Alyssa K. and Benjamin J. Appel, Compliance with International Humanitarian Law: Democratic Third Parties and Civilian Targeting in Interstate War, Journal of Conflict Resolution, June 2014, pp 713-740

Schmitt, Michael N., Extraterritorial Lethal Targeting: Deconstructing the Logic of International Law, Columbia Journal of Transnational Law, Volume 52(1), p. 77.


Human rights

Milanovic, Marko, Extraterritorial Derogations from Human Rights Treaties in Armed Conflict, in Nehal Bhuta (ed.), Collected Courses of the Academy of European Law (forthcoming), Available on SSRN.

Milanovic, Marko, The Lost Origins of Lex Specialis: Rethinking the Relationship between Human Rights and International Humanitarian Law, (in Jens David Ohlin (ed.), Theoretical Boundaries of Armed Conflict and Human Rights, forthcoming), Available on SSRN.

Silk, James J., International Criminal Justice and the Protection of Human Rights: The Rule of Law or the Hubris of Law?, Yale Journal of International Law Online, Volume 39 (Srping 2014), pp 94-111.

Sullo, Pietro, Lois Mémorielles in Post-Genocide Societies: The Rwandan Law on Genocide Ideology under International Human Rights Law Scrutiny, Leiden Journal of International Law, Volume 27, 2, 2014, p. 419.

Van Shaack, Beth, United States’ Position on the Extraterritorial Application of Human Rights Obligations: Now Is the Time for Change, International Law Studies Series. US Naval War College, 2014, p. 20.


IHL and humanitarian assistance/health care

Breitegger, Alexander, The legal framework applicable to insecurity and violence affecting the delivery of health care in armed conflicts and other emergencies, International Review of the Red Cross, Volume 95, Number 889 (March 2013), pp 83 – 127

Gisel, Laurent, Can the incidental killing of military doctors never be excessive?, International Review of the Red Cross, Volume 95, Number 889 (March 2013), pp 215 – 230

Müller, Amrei, States’ obligations to mitigate the direct and indirect health consequences of non-international armed conflicts: complementarity of IHL and the right to health, International Review of the Red Cross, Volume 95, Number 889, March 2013, pp 129 – 165


Jus ad bellum

De Bock, Charles, The Crime of Aggression: Prospects and Perils for the Third World, Chinese Journal of International Law, Vol.13, (2014), p. 91

Grimal, Francis, Missile Defence Shields: Automated and Anticipatory Self-Defence?, J Conflict Security Law, Vol. 19, 2014, p. 317

Henriksen, Anders, Jus ad bellum and American Targeted Use of Force to Fight Terrorism Around the World, J Conflict Security Law, Vol. 19 (2), 2014 , p. 211.

Jain, Abhimanyu George, Rationalising International Law Rules on Self-Defence: The Pin-Prick Doctrine, Chicago-Kent Journal of International and Comparative Law, Vol. 14, 2014, p. 23.

Kalidhass, P.R., Determining the Status of Private Military Companies under International  Law: A Quest to Solve Accountability Issues in Armed Conflict, Amsterdam Law Forum, Vol. 6, no. 2, 2014, p. 4.

Ohlin, Jens David, The Right to Exist and the Right to Resist, May 2014, Available on SSRN.

Ruys, Tom, Of Arms, Funding and “Non-lethal Assistance”—Issues Surrounding Third-State Intervention in the Syrian Civil War, Chinese Journal of International Law, (2014), Vol. 13, p. 13.

Ruys, Tom, The Meaning of “Force” and the Boundaries of The Jus Ad Bellum: Are “Minimal” Uses Of Force Excluded From UN Charter Article 2(4)?, The American Journal of International Law, Vol. 108, No. 2, 2014, p. 159.

Trapp, Kimberley Natasha, Can Non-State Actors Mount an Armed Attack?, in M. Weller (ed.),Oxford Handbook on the Use of Force (forthcoming), Available on SSRN.  


Cyber warfare

Hollis, Duncan B., Re-Thinking the Boundaries of Law in Cyberspace: A Duty to Hack?, in J. Ohlin et al. (eds), Cyberwar: Law & Ethics for Virtual Conflicts (forthcoming), Available on SSRN.

Jensen, Eric Talbot, State Obligations in Cyber Operations, Baltic Yearbook of International Law, (forthcoming), Available on SSRN.

Messerschmidt, Jan, Hackback: Permitting Retaliatory Hacking by Non-State Actors as Proportionate Countermeasures to Transboundary Cyberharm, Columbia Journal of Transnational Law, Volume 52(1), p. 275

Roscini, Marco, Cyber Operations as Nuclear Counterproliferation Measures, J Conflict Security Law , Vol. 19 (1), 2014, p. 133

Woltag, Johann-Christoph, Cyber Warfare: Military Cross-Border Computer Network Operations under International Law, )(Intersentia 2014).


International criminal law & transitional justice

Clark, Janine Natalya, International Trials and Reconciliation: Assessing the Impact of the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia (Routledge, 2014).

Coco, Antonio and Tom Gal, Losing Direction: The ICTY Appeals Chambers Controversial Approach to Aiding and Abetting in Perišic, Journal of International Criminal Justice, Volume 12, Number 2 (May 2014), p. 345.

Crowe, David M., The genocide and Geneva Conventions: Eichmann, Lemkin, Tibet, Guatemala, and the Korean war, in War Crimes, Genocide and Justice: a global history (Palgrave Macmillan 2014), p. 283.

Eden, Paul, The Role of the Rome Statute in the Criminalization of Apartheid, Journal of International Criminal Justice, Volume 12, Number 2, 2014, p. 171.

Jinks, Derek, Jackson Nyamuya Maogoto, & Solon Solomon, Applying International Humanitarian Law to Judicial and Quasi Judicial Bodies – International and Domestic Aspects (Asser Press 2014 VII), 508 p.

Kastner, Philipp, Armed Conflicts and Referrals to the International Criminal Court: From Measuring Impact to Emerging Legal Obligations, Journal of International Criminal Justice, Volume 12, Number 3, 2014, p. 471.

Ko, Harold Hongju, International Criminal Justice 5.0, Yale Journal of International Law, Volume 38 (2013), pp 525-542

Schank, Alex, Sectarianism and Transitional Justice in Syria: Resisting International Trials, Georgetown Journal of International Law, Volume 45 (2014), pp 557-587

Yang, Catherine M., Accounting for Accountability: A Post-Conflict Role for Transnational Advocacy Networks in East Timor, Georgetown Journal of International Law, Volume 45 (2014), pp 589-615



McFarland, Tim and Tim McCormack, Mind the Gap: Can Developers of Autonomous Weapons Systems be Liable for War Crimes?, International Law Studies Series. US Naval War College, Vol. 90, 2014, p. 361.

Sassoli, Marco, Autonomous Weapons and International Humanitarian Law: Advantages, Open Technical Questions and Legal Issues to be Clarified, International Law Studies Series. US Naval War College, Vol.90, 2014, p. 308.


Blog posts:


Hill-Cawthorne and Akande, Locating the legal basis for detention in non-international armed conflict: a rejoinder to Aurel Sari, EJIL: Talk!

Sari, Aurel, Sorry Sir, we’re all non-state actors now: a reply to Hill-Cawthorne and Akande on the authority to kill and detain in NIAC, EJIL: Talk!

Hill-Cawthorne and Akande, Does IHL provide a legal basis for detention in non-international armed conflict?, EJIL: Talk!

Ma?ák, Kubo, No legal basis for detention in non-international armed conflict? A comment on Serdar Mohammed v Ministry of Defence, EJIL: Talk!

EJIL: Live! Extra! On Serdar Mohammed v Ministry of Defence

Murray, Daragh, Non-State Armed Groups in NIAC: Does IHL provide legal authority for the establishment of courts?, EJIL: Talk!

Just Security:

Hafetz, Jonathan, Serdar Mohammed: A view onto U.S. detentions, Just Security

Ní Aoláin, Fionnuala, Assessing Serdar Mohammed through the prism of derogation and detention, Just Security

Rona, Gabor, Letter to the Editor from Gabor Rona, Mohammed v Ministry of Defence and the ICRC’s position, Just Security

Opinio Juris:

Heffes, Ezequiel, Detention in NIACs: A pledge in favour of the application of IHL, Opinio Juris

Rona, Gabor, Rona on Ministry of Defence and Detention in NIAC, Opinio Juris


For previous Armed Groups and International Law legal roundups see here (September 2012), here (November 2012), here (February 2013), here (March-June 2013), here (November 2013) and here (March 2014).

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