News Roundup – 29 June 2015

About the author(s):

Katharine Fortin is an Associate Professor at Utrecht University where she teaches IHL and IHRL. Before joining Utrecht University, she worked at the ICTY, ICC and Norton Rose Fulbright. She is the author of The Accountability of Armed Groups under Human Rights Law (Oxford University Press, 2017) which won the 2018 Lieber Prize. She has written widely about the framework of law that applies to armed groups in non-international armed conflicts and is one of the editors of the Armed Groups and International Law blog.

Polisario Front becomes ‘party to Geneva Conventions’. 

Women in armed groups are more than just an exotic novelty. 

FARC slams Colombian government for causing environmental destruction. 

We need an ICJ ruling on Syria. 

Tanzanian court orders extradition of Islamic rebel leader to Uganda. 

South Sudan President and rebel leader hold direct talks in Kenya. 

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