News Roundup-6th Feb – 13th Feb 2017

About the author(s):

Annyssa Bellal is the Strategic Adviser on International Humanitarian Law at the Geneva Academy of International Humanitarian Law and Human Rights and a Senior Lecturer in international law at Sciences Po, Paris. She also acted as legal adviser for the NGO Geneva Call, the Office of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, the Swiss Department of Foreign Affairs and for the International Committee of the Red Cross where she was the acting Head of the Customary International Humanitarian Law Project. In 2012, she was an Assistant Professor at the Irish Centre for Human Rights in Galway. Dr Bellal was awarded several fellowships for her research, notably from McGill and New York University. She was the editor of The War Report 2014, published by Oxford University Press, and the author of several articles on various IHL and human rights law issues, including an award-winning article on ‘International Law and Armed Non-State Actors in Afghanistan’ (International Review of the Red Cross, 2011, SNIS Geneva Award 2011).

Fleeing Boko Haram insurgents set village ablaze in Yobe state
Philippines: Duterte makes turnaround on insurgent group’s terrorist reference
Colombia to begin peace talks with eln rebel group February 7
Many airstrikes today on rebel-controlled towns across Syria
South Sudanese army denies Egypt bombing rebel positions
Rebel killed in Mindoro
Philippine army arrests communist rebel leader after peace bid collapses
Civilians injured as clashes renew in western Tripoli’s Janzour district
Analysis: What Role Will China Play in Burma’s Peace Process?
Two Myanmar Ethnic Groups From Strife-torn Areas Not Allowed to Hold Advance Talks
Uncharacteristic Clashes Break Out Between Ta’ang and Shan Allied Armed Groups
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