About the author(s):
Promoting information sharing and community building between individuals and organisations working on issues related to armed groups and international law. Providing updates on news stories and publicize academic journal articles and seminars, talks and conferences on issues related to armed groups.
On May 31st, at 20:00 (CET) /2pm (EDT) ALMA is holding a virtual book launch on two important new books on Detention and Confinement in Armed Conflict.
The two books are (i) “Detention by Non-State Armed Groups under International Law” by Ezequiel Heffes (one of our co-editors and Senior Policy and Legal Advisor at Geneva Call) and (ii) “Unravelling Unlawful Confinement in Contemporary Armed Conflicts” by Jelena Plamenac (UN Independent Expert on International Humanitarian Law and recently announced winner of the Lieber Prize 2022).
The event will be hosted by:
Natali Admon, ALMA’s Forum Coordinator
Ido Rosenzweig, ALMA Chairman
To register for this event, click here.