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Sukanya Podder (King’s College London) and Adrian Florea (University of Glasgow) are organising a Rebel Governance Section at this year’s European International Studies Association (EISA) 7th Pan-European Conference on International Relations, 27-31 August 2024, Lille Catholic University, Lille, France (https://eisa-net.org/). Their accompanying call for papers seeks submissions as follows, to come under Section 14 at the Conference:
“Over the past decade, a burgeoning body of multidisciplinary research has examined the dynamics of rebel governance, the set of actions undertaken by rebel groups to regulate the social, political, and economic life of civilians during civil war. Studies written from diverse theoretical, methodological, and empirical perspectives have explored the conditions under which rebels engage in extensive or limited governance activities in the areas where they operate, civilians’ reactions to rebel rule, and the effect of rebels’ governance activities on their legitimacy and, more broadly, conflict outcomes such as duration, termination, or post-conflict in/stability. However, despite these theoretical, methodological, and empirical advancements, rebel governance research has still yet to more comprehensively explore the temporal dimensions of rebel governance (the variation in rebel governance practices at various stages during an insurgency), the intricate relationship between rebel non/territorial control and legitimacy (how rebels’ non/territorial presence affects their legitimacy with domestic and international audiences), and non-Western approaches to the study of rebel rule.
We invite theoretical, methodological, and empirical contributions to these and other aspects related to rebel governance and legitimacy. We particularly welcome contributions that advance new, inter-disciplinary, avenues for exploring rebel governance and legitimacy.”
The deadline for submissions is 13 March 2024 and more details on the timeframes leading up to the Conference, and submission guidelines, can be found here.